Prof. Dr. Wan Azmi bin Wan Hamzah
Topic: Recent trends in sustainable development techniques

College of Engineering – Universiti Malaysia Pahang Prof Dr Wan Azmi bin Wan Hamzah is currently a staff at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang. His research work was undertaken for the topic of Heat Transfer, Thermo-fluid Engineering, Automotive, Nanotechnology, Cooling System, Lubrication, Air-Conditioning System, Solar System, Tribology, and many more. His specialization area was related to Nanoparticles Dispersion Technology (Nano-DisTec). The research was invented the advanced automotive liquids with the use of nanotechnology namely Nanocoolants, Nanolubricants and Nanopaints. He was filed the patent for the Nanocoolants in 2011 with contribution to the improvement in heat transfer performance of heat exchanger system. Further, he was filed the patent for the Nanolubricants in 2017 with significant contribution to the energy saving for automotive air conditioning system. The recent research invention under his supervision is Nanopaints and expected to apply for patent by 2021. His excellent research work has been published in 160 scopus journals including High Impact Q1 Journals. He was awarded more than 100 awards from national and international bodies for the research outcome. Some of the awards were received such as Cendekia Bitara Award from UMP, best paper awards from various international conferences, gold Medal and special award from numerous exhibitions such as AiNEX UMP, CITREX UMP, ITEX (Malaysia), MTE (Malaysia), iENA (Germany), INPEX (USA), SIIF (Korea) and winner for Pertandingan Inovasi Nanoteknologi (PIN) under MOSTI.
Prof. Abdul Ghani Olabi

Research Interests:
Prof Olabi received his M.Eng and Ph.D. from Dublin City University, since 1984 he worked at different national and international institutes such as; National Research Centre-Italy “CNR”, Research Centre of FIAT-Italy “CRF”, Dublin City University “DCU” and Institute of Engineering and Energy Technologies “IEET” at UWS. Prof Olabi has supervised 40 PhD students to successful completion. Prof Olabi has edited more than 20 proceedings and has published more than 500 papers in peer-reviewed international journals and international conferences, in addition to more than 60 book chapters. In the last 4 years Prof Olabi has patented 2 innovative projects. Prof Olabi is the founder of the International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Protection SEEP, and the International Conference on Materials Science and Smart Materials. He is the Subject Editor of the Elsevier Energy Journal, Editor in Chief of the Encyclopedia of Smart Materials (Elsevier), Editor of the Reference Module of Materials Science and Engineering (Elsevier), Editor in Chief of Renewable Energy section of Energies, Associate Editor of Smart Energy Journal (Elsevier), Associate Editor of the International Jouenal of the Thermofluids, Honorary Editor of Energy Storage and Saving (KeAi-Sciencedirect) and board member of a few other journals. Prof Olabi has coordinated different National, EU and International Projects. He has produced different reports to the Irish Gov. regarding: Hydrogen and Fuel Cells and Solar Energy. The Sustainable Energy and Power Systems Research Centre has 10 members who are classified as top 2% scientists in the world.
Prof. Dr. Abdul Hai Al-Alami

Specialization: Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, Queen’s University at Kingston, Ontario, Canada Research Interests:
– Manufacturing of laminated dies for injection moudling, – Testing of insulating materials from organic solid waste,
– Solar Power reactions steam turbines, – Optically selective solar thermal absorbers,
– Mechanical Energy Storage (buoyancy force, – Solar Manufacturing (nonferrous ablation using concentrated solar power) Contact: